Hello and welcome to my wonderous web page for writers! My name is Alistair and I've been writing for years. Seven to be exact. It's something of a passion of mine and I like to think I'm fairly good at it. I suppose it would be prelevant for me to introduce myself a little and introduce you to the content and functionality of this particular web page.
Well it's quite simple, this site began as little more then a project for my computer coding class but I was so happy with the result I turned it into an actual web site centered around my writing tips and tools for others, and links I've found to be useful over the years.
Write the first draft and don't worry about spelling, grammer or anything else. That all comes with the second draft(a friend to edit also helps)
Of course I suppose I should begin this with an introduction as is prevelant My name isn't really Alistair but it is the online handle I use, you'll have to forgive the oddity of it. I'm a student in highschool in Canada aged seventeen. so by no means am I a profesional writer with anything published. I suppose I'm more of an enthusiast, a person who is passionate about the written word and its power. (even if I cant spell)
Further I'll add here a way to contact me, should you have recomended links, tools or other things yuo've found usefull over the years of your writing you can feel free to send them to me and I'll see if I can't add them to this somewhere.
Alright now the reason you might be here, the reason for this site and some more information on it. The first two links in the ~other pages~ box area links to other pages on this site the bottom ones are links leading you out of this site to tools I found usefull. The link to my writing is to the stories I've written and you're welcome to check them out. Some will be written with prompts of my own and others from a generator.
I challenge you to write one hundred words per day for one week pick any week you'd like set yourself a goal. If a hundred words is too few pump yourself up to two, three, four or even higher word counts! And hey if you want to share the fruits of your challange fell free to submit them to me!