Dark coridors

You decided to not risk. There are so many people in the feast room and you can't make sure,

that these people are not a threat to you. You stepped off the door and moved to

the small door. You silently opened it. There was a stairs, leading down to unknown places.

You made a deep breath and moved to the stairs.

The sounds from the feast rapidly stopped, the air became very heavy,

the temperature normalized and there was no echo anymore, just deaf

steps.Sometimes, you were feeling some presence, but you calmed yourself down,

saying, that it just your brain playing with you. And you were continuing climbing

and climbing down to the abyss...

When you were feeling that this is the end, and you will never find the bottom

and decided to fall down you finally reached the bottom.

You felt so happy and scared. You feel very exhausted

and if someone will try to kill you, you cannot do nothing.

You covered yourself with your cloak to blend in with the floor

and fell asleep

Once you woke up, everything was on huge layer of dust,

the stair was rusty and there was a hole in the floor.

Was it another timeline? Or you was too tired to not see this man-sized hole?

You decided to move forward

After hours of wandering around empty coridors, you found an old staircase, leading up.

Also, you saw a golden door with a yellow light coming from the hole

Is that a treasure you were seeking all the time, the reward

the PURPOSE of your entire little adventure?