Stats of brain concussion in the top sports played in Canada

Sport Number of concussion per season
Football 76.8
Boys Ice Hokey 54
Boys Lacrosse 46.6
Girls Lacrosse 35
Girls Soccer 33
Girls Field Hockey 24.9

The given stats in the previous table indicate that football is the most dangerous sport played in Canada followed by ice hokey and lacrosse. Currently the girls field hocky is considered to be the safest sport played in Canada with the least of amount head injuries per season

Other than sports

Brain Concussions also happen in many places other than sports due to many different accidents. Brain conussions can occur in traffic incidents or during fights or falls

Accident Number of caused injuries
Falls 35%
Traffic incidents 17%
Struck by or agianstst 16.5%
Assults 10%
Unknown 12%