Having trouble deciding on a breed of cat to buy?! Here is a list of the top 15 most shocking secrets about [Insert Celebrity Here]. Has science gone to far? see below but be warned, 77% of people get the answer wrong! And Nine...nine rings were gifted to the race of Men who, above all else, desire power. For within these rings was bound the strength and will to govern each race. But they were all of them deceived. An ancient PARCHMENT MAP of MIDDLE EARTH...moving slowly across the MAP as if drawn by an unseen force the camera closes in on a place name...MORDOR.
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Maine Coon | This cat breed is awesome! They are huge, fluffy, sociable and loving towards other pets and children! Maine Coons have a very gentle and loving nature. They make cute chirp sounds and gentle meows. They are like big teddy bears. They can weigh 20 pounds and have long fur like Persian cats, but their hair doesn’t need brushes as often. Maine Coon cats have the longest whiskers – longest measure 6.5” long! Maine coons are the only cats originating from Maine, USA. They are good mousers and are voted the second most popular cats in the USA. Maine Coon cats have long thick tails, a three layer coat, and long hair. They would be a good family cat because they are so loyal and loving. |
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Ragdoll | The Ragdoll breed of cat can be huge and the kittens are super cute. The biggest Ragdoll cat is like 35 pounds. Ragdoll cats have bright blue eyes! These cats often just go cur plop and fall limp when you pick them up! This cat breed gets large like the Maine Coon, but they are extremely docile and might be better kept indoors. This isn’t the kind of cat that will establish its territory around the house and win fights. They are more like giant teddy bears. They are like big teddy bears. They can weigh 20 pounds and have long fur like Persian cats, but their hair doesn’t need brushes as often. Maine Coon cats have the longest whiskers – longest measure 6.5” long! Maine coons are the only cats originating from Maine, USA. They are good mousers and are voted the second most popular cats in the USA. Maine Coon cats have long thick tails, a three layer coat, and long hair. They would be a good family cat because they are so loyal and loving. |
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Exotic | The Exotic cat breeds are also very common and popular because Exotics have cute fluffy round faces and soft, bulging eyes. Exotics have shorter fur. They come in all colors and patterns. These are very sweet kitty cats for sure! The kittens are so adorable you want to melt! These cats can have very unique faces that match their owners personalities. Exotic cats have personalities much like the quite, sweet, affectionate, gentle, loving Persians only they can be a bit more active and playful. The like to follow their owners around the house and are full of purrs, licks, and affection. |
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'Merican Shorthair' | This cat breed is very common in America. They where some of the original cats here. Bred for hunting and the outdoor life, these cats are very adaptable and make excellent pets for families with busy lives and kids. American short hairs can have some really cool patterns and color combinations in their breed. American short hairs are extremely good mousers. Statics are that one in three pounces result in a catch. Today, the American short hairs are recognized for their short pointed ears, a round broad head, and a muscular compact body. The American Shorthair breed comes in over 80 different varieties and color patterns. They are one of the healthiest breeds of cat and lives 15–20 years. These cats are social, friendly, outgoing, and just love to be a part of your life. |
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Himalayan | Among the many common cat breeds in the world, the Himalayan is one of the favorites. This cat breed is like a cross between a Persian and a Siamese. They are colored like a Siamese but they have longer hair like a Persian. The Himalayan’s longer hair requires brushing much like the Persians. They are loving and affectionate and like to cuddle on laps, talk, and play. These cats prefer a more quite environment and would be well suited pets for people who live alone. Himalayan cats are smaller than most cats, in fact, one of the smallest cats in the world was a Blue Point Himalayan named TinkerToy who only measured 7 1/2” long |
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Siberian | This is one of Russia’s most common cat breeds. Siberian cats are large with long hair. Quoting Jackson Galaxy, “They are big, big cats but they can jump with the best of them.” These athletic cats are happen to have lower levels of the feline protein that is what humans with cat allergies are reacting to. So if you are allergic to cats but love them too, then you might want to get a Siberian. |
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Siamese | We are Siamese if you please. We are Siamese if you don’t please, lol. These cats are very common, very intelligent, long living, and vocal. They have shorter hair and are usually rather slim. Siamese seem to be more socially complex than some other cat breeds and have a stronger sense of loyalty to their owners. The Siamese cat breed is a good one for people who are looking for a cat that follows you around and enjoys your constant attention. |
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Birman | Birman cats using have lighter coats and are very sweet. If you see a white kitten with baby blue eyes, it is likely a Birman. They make great family cats because they are so loving. When mature, these cats are colored a lot like Siamese only they are fluffy and generally a little bit larger. They say that dog lovers prefer these cats because they are so friendly and more eager to please. They are also very loyal to their owners. They will be right up along with you dogs, waiting for you to get off of work. Birman cats commonly have long wispy hair, darker faces, and blue eyes. |
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Oriental | These are some very cool looking and unique cats. They can be nearly any color or combination and with hair in varying lengths but are typically short haired. Orientals have that long nose and the alert ears. They are totally cool cats and make great pets. These cats are entertaining and active. They require your attention to be happy, but if you give them plenty of love, they will return it 10 fold. They are intelligent and like to talk too. Oriental cats have plenty of curiosity and like to participate in your daily life. |