Banff Springs In Banff, Alberta
(Are you ready for this one??)
This is Banff Springs. It is located in Banff, Alberta.

The Fairmont Hotel in Banff was opened in 1888 during the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway and is rumored to be home to not just one, but several ghosts.

Many decades ago a family was killed in room 873. A father killed his wife and young daughter here then commited suicide. The exact date of this incident is uncertain for many. But after a lengthy investigation the room was refurbished and booked out to travelers. Soon after, reports of disturbances flooded the front desk. The stories say that guests would fall asleep in the room only to be woken up by hollow screams and when they turned the lights on they would be startled to find bloody handprints covering the mirrors inside the room. But of course, by the time staff could rush to the room to investigate, the prints would have disappeared. The room has since been covered and closed. Every floor ends with a 73 except the eighth floor. When you head down the eighth floor hallway, there used to be lights only above each doorway, including where the missing room is located. The baseboards are also cut in a way that looks like a door should be there. If you knock along the walls, you will notice a hollow sound coming from on the spot where the door is hiding. If you don't notice these little details, you would never know that there is a door missing from the eighth floor.

"The Doomed Bride," is a spirit who is said to have fallen down the stairs to her death on the day after her wedding in the early 1930's, and has yet to accept the fact she is dead. The legend states that before her celebratory banquet was supposed to have been held at this fine establishment. She was going up the marble staircase to the Ballroom to meet with her husband, but along the way, her wedding gown was said to have brushed a candle and caught fire. Of course, with fire comes panic which led to the bride tripping over her own wedding dress, falling down the marble steps, breaking her neck, causing an almost instant death. The stairs had to be closed off to the honeymoon suite after this. Employees stated that the stairs were creepy, especially at night because they ended at a ceiling. Many guests have mentioned that they have heard laughing, crying, and even screaming from this specific area of the hotel. The Employees were sworn to secrecy about the "ghost" situation, no one was permitted to talk or even mention it, especially around guests.