Three black hole, Black holes are very very very dense so dense that the usual laws of physics don't work in completely some as they so
with other things. black holes are created when a star with at least about 12 times the mass of our sun (which really really big even for a star)
dies. the process that creates block holes and neutron stars are very similar (see previous page) but with more mass and faster as a general rule the
larger the star the quicker it dies. when the star reaches Iron in its fusion process and because Iron cannot be focused into a another
element the stars die in a supernova explosion creating black holes. black holes are not actually black necessarily but appear that way because
of their eventherize.
To put into perspective just how dense a black hole is I'll use picture to compare it to keep in mind that this is only roughly to scale
sun to a red dawf dwarf to jupatir
jupatir to neptne.neptune to earth
earth to the moon (luna)Moon (luna) to ceres
ceres to vestavesta to Metis
Metis to Nix (Moon of ploto)Nix to washington D.C
Washington D.C to black hole with the mass of the sun
Yes this is pritty acute if yuo crushed the sun into a black hole it would have a damater of only three km or about what that picture is.
because of just how dense a black hole is in fact to go any denser than what the barrminamam is required for a
black it would defy the laws of physics.because of this the surface gravity because much much strong than before for example turning
earth into a black (which can't earth does not have I don't even think I can describe are far away the earth id from having the required
mass for a black hole with words but just for comparison sake) it would have the radius of a little less than the average north american penny
so unlike earth earth if you were to sand on black hole earth your feet would be experiencing hundreds of times more graty the your head
enough to rip you to shreds. some principle applies to larger black holes too this. this is so extreme that that black holes cause rips in space and if light gets to close to
a black hole even it can't escape giving it its black appears. what I hear saying "how can something with no mass be effected by gravity. isn't
I light's speed is a constant how can something ripe space and time" first off you don't need mass to be affected by gravity you just need mass
to produce gravity normally we don't notice this because lights going way too fast for anything to have secniffact effect on but not with black hoes. secd yes light is constant although
it does change speed slightly when it transfers between medians so a more account description anyway when light or anything gets within a certain
distance of a black that thing must be going faster than the speed of light to escape and since light is always constant it can't is distance is called to event rusizi
,but that constant speed means it can't just stop ethir so it ends just constantly orbiting it. this however is actually not just what makes them hardest
to spot but is also one of the easiest way to spot them then light pass near the event horizon but don't enter it curves around it and then keeps going
this makes everything behind black look distorted. third the eh well uh, Ok this one is actually really complicated so I'm going to try to explain it the
best I can but you're going to have to use your imagination. Ok so imagine space time as strings of fabric crossing over each other in a square grid
the squares are always the exalted some size as each other and the width a legth of each idavisouall square are to some the picture in sould look
something like this.
now lets add layers of space time so the layer were on right now has an infinite number of grids of the some size both
beneath it and above. as shown by the earth in the picture anything with mass creates a bulge in space time not rip but
bolge that's basically how space time works with most objects. now for samplaty sake take away all of the layers of space
time excepted for the one were on and the one directly below us let's take the two grid layers a shock them Waaaay down and
to a size that covers say an area 100 feet by 100 feet add hocks to the ends of each string, and walls all the way around
the two grids and little hots on the wall of the hocks to grab now we're ready to demonstrate so now let's take a bolling
ball a put it on the grid the grid does not tar because the ball mass/weight is spread out over enough of an area to sport
it (lets just say the strings can support it but it does cause a blockage in the strings but let's shik the ball down to about
the size of flee but with the same mass/what (keep in mind that the string and the squares in the string are beyond microscopic
an this point and a that change a bowling ball into a flea gives it the some density as the black hole) now there senica cantly
less string to support to ball and with so much on weight so few string the bulge in the fabric because so big it creates a tare
not big enough for the black hole to fit though but big enough for something smaller to if something smaller were to fall there
it would fall on the next layer of space time if this. so if you fell into a black a mere closely your mass stade support from the black holes
and you didn't die you'd be transported to another place in space time but there no way to tell persily were or when you't be dropped off.
to explain the reason for why we can't tell when or where you'd go let's continue to use the same example add back 20 layers beneath our 100 by 100 layer of space time and start adding mass to our flea sized black hole because any black hole is as dense
as physically possible the black hole must expand but it keeps the same density. our tiny black hole expand the bulge continues to get deeper and
deeper and the ripe continues to get bigger and bigger at a still slower rate. now when the bulge will contio to got bigger and bigger until it reaches the
layer underneath its own layer now the strings on our layer now have extrasport so let's keep adding mas the bulge continues to grow until it
breaks through the layer underneath our own and as we continue to add mass it breaks though more and more layers heartily the only limit to how
many layers a black hole could break is the amount of mass and energy in the universe.
Now it gets weird now every thing so far is... complicated but it theoretically make sense but there is one thing that black holes case that shouldn't
be possible according to our current laws of physics. In the universe there are these virtual particles in space that appear in pairs out of nothing with no mace or energy then a split second later curled into their partner
other and spontaneously disappear but we know their because it makes sense it physics (physics so complicated I'm not even going to get into it) now this happens everywhere these particles are could Hawking radiation
[Three guesses as to who come with that] now these particles are doing this constantly everywhere including around you and in you. normal thee particles make sense as I said before but when this on the edge of a black hole
something odd happens the particle inside the black hole is latched into the black hole destroying it and the one outside is launched into pace steals mass from the black hole and becomes a real particle and when I say odd I mean it some what defines our court under standing or physics. but to understand this let me explain what information is. in
universe terms is like a universal code that tells us what this are what so for example with carbon atoms if there arranged in certain ways to make coal arrange
them definitely they make a diamond information tells us what arrangement of atoms makes what. you can theatrically use this information to tell what
what anything was when it was how big it and what it is now According to quantum physics information can not be destroyed. so some it up information is how
we determine what makes information different from each other but black holes back that information and make it the same to simplify they destroy it
and that means there's a quote physics paradox because the black holes take information and make the exact same as everything else in the black hole when it's released though
hawking radiation
they destorinformion and without quantum physics you'd have to get rid of a lot of laws of physics that have done us well so far and start over. there are there are there
possible solution to this paradox one a black hole does not release all of its mass which means the mass left over contents all of the information about all the information the black hole ever contained
two when the black hole absorbs mass the information from that mass split off and is in a sort of universe inside a universe. lastly three we'd have to accept the theory known as the holographic perishable
which to quickly some it up mean the universe is actually just one giant hologram. this just vesicles changes the waverly code into an actual computer code (like I'm using right now)
why does this help you might ask well it means that just like like you or me the black hole is made up of code (you might eve be able to think of a black hole as a bug or
error in the university code just a thought) and when the black hole absorbs new code in is stored on its outer levels
and the older information is stored more towards the center of a black this hawking radiation particle is ejecte into space it copies the code displayed on the black holes surfce before being ejected into space
taking and saving the information given to it by the black hole.
Now I that everything I said might be a bit confusing so I have two videos below this line which will hopefully help this make sense I didn't make them there
both from a channel called Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell they make very very high quality videos which take over 600 hours to make on average total about.. well
every thing. you can find a link to their channel below surely check them you can also find the links of pages one and two of this site down there
link to the channle that craeted these videos herehere