Under The Sea!

Beneath the ocean's surface, you can find billions upon billions of sea life who call the ocean their home. Just three of those species living in the vast ocean are here for your enjoyment and edification.

  • The Longhorn Cowfish

The Longhorn Cowfish is perhaps the most fascinating marine animal around, but that is debateable. It is located in the Indo-Pacific region, along the coast of Africa. Algae and Crustaceans are a staple in the Longhorned Cowfish's diet. Their funny antics make them a very popular marine aquarium pet, but they are not for the faint of heart as they can reach lengths of up to 15 inches!

  • Jellyfish

Jellyfish, the most beautiful yet painful creature that lives in varying ocean depths. Jellyfish are made up of a gelatinous bell shaped top, with hanging tenticles meant for protection. Believe it or not, but jellyfish do not have a heart or a brain! They don't think, rather, they rely on natural reflexes and by just floating around until they come across prey. Since a jellyfish's Ectoderm is only a few cells thick, oxegyn diffuses into the jellyfish's body, therefore not requireing a heart at all.

  • Clownfish

Clownfish, the fish that was made famous by the movie, "Finding Nemo". This gorgeous creature, has many varieties, but most commonly bears orange and white stripes. Clownfish prefer to live in stinging anenomes for protection from predetors. They bear a slime coat protecting their bodies from being harmed, unlike other fish who may touch an anenome.