Even More Descrptions of Horror Icons

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Pinhead from Hellraiser is supposed to be the physical embodiment of an Aztec god. A sexual deviant named Frank opened a portal to hell, accidentally obviously that unleashed these gruesome beings called Cenobites which ended up tearing Franks body apart. His brother and his brothers wife moved into Franks house, accidentally bringing the remains of Franks lifeless body back to life. He convinces his brothers wife, Julia, to lure men back to the house so he could reconstruct himself. Frank becomes Pinhead in the end.


Regan is from the movie Exorcist. She's highly based off of the real exorcism of a young girl named Annelise Michel whom was diagnosed with epileptic psychosis when she was really young. She began to act very odd, inhumanly. She started levitating, mumbling, rocking back and forth, even sounding demonic. Ed and Lorraine Warren came to her house and started the exorcism. She ended up dying on July 1st of 1976 because of malnutrition and starvation caused by the demon.

Pinhead Hellraiser 9 movies at least 40 kills
Regan Exorcist 5 movies 0 kills