Topic 1: Why Did Reggie Deserve Jail?

Reggie was incarcerated after he attempted to make Minecraft 2 without the proper rights and licensing. But did he really deserve jail? Yes, and here's why:

  1. By trying to create Minecraft 2, Reggie was fueling the Dreamboy-PewDiePie money cycle.
  2. Reggie didn't like Knack.
  3. Reggie had also created the Megadrive from stolen hardware, which he should have been jailed for in the first place.

Topic 2: Tarzan vs Knack

Here we have two complete opposites: Tarzan for PS1 and Knack. Why is Tarzan so good and Knack so bad?

Good GraphicsBad Graphics
Mildly Good GameplayBad Gameplay
Phil CollinsNo Phil Collins

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