The Legend of Zelda!
Side Characters and Antagonists throughout the games (as well some other important things!)
Side Characters:
Midna is the main sidekick from The Legend Of Zelda -Twilight princess. She is a Small imp introduced when the main protagonist -Link- turns into his twilight wolf form and is taken to a dungeon in the twilight realm. When Link awakes and looks for away to escape his bonds, Midna appears and helps him. Midna has a strong personality, she is rather cheeky and sarcastic and likes to mess with Link. She rides his wolf form like a horse and uses her hair as his hand in return, helping him as long as Link helps her find the rest of her stone helmet. In the Light realm, Midna takes the form of Links shadow.

Navi is probably the most known side character. She originates from The Legend of Zelda -Ocarina of Time, sent to Link -the main protagonist- by the Great Deku tree that watches over him and the other Kokire children, who reside in Kokiri Forest. Navi is meant to watch over him and to help give him advice, and eventually accomponies Link out of Kokiri Forest into the rest of Hyrule which is the kingdom the franchise most commonly takes place in. She is most popularly known for her rather annoying catch fraise of "Hey hey, listen!" which she says quite a bit. Navi carries through to the next game known as The Legend of Zelda -Majora's Mask, but then departs and his replaced by another fairy names Tatl.

Tatle is our next most annoying side character and comes right after Navi. She helps the antagonist of The Legend of Zelda -Majora's Mask at first, but is later stuck with the protagonist, Link, and sticks around. This game, unlike most, takes place in a land called Termina which is unnusual from the normal kingdom of Hyrule. Tatl helps Link navigate through the unknown territory and to defeat the antagonist -Skull Kid- to ultimately save Termina and Tatl's brother Tael. Although annoying, Tatl is quite helpful.

King of Red Lions:
Dispite the intimadating title you would expect from a galant knight, the King of Red Lions is... a boat. A red TALKING boat, to be exact. Thankfully he is rather helpful since in that game, Hyrule is almost entirely water so Link is in much need of a boat and The King of Red Lions does just the trick. While not only parading Link around the map, he also gives helpful tips and can harber a claw to pull things up from the ocean floor. There is more to the King of Red Lions, but nothing should be spoiled, Right?

The Minish Cap:
The older the games get, the more odd the side characters become. In The Legend of Zelda -The Minish Cap, The main side character is (drumroll please) and youuu guessed it, a hat! The protagonist ventures into the wilds of Hyrule to find the main antagonist Vaati and the Minish, Who are small elf like beings who he believes can cure the curse Vaati let on Hyrules princess. On his travels, Link accidentally comes across the Minish cap, who decides on it's own that it would accompany Link on his journey. Although it has a tad bit of a rude attitude, it is helpful in telling Link helpful explanations of helpful objects and locations.