The Main Antagonists:
Ganondorf is the most iconic Legend of Zelda antagonist. He wants to take over Hyrule and claim the sacred power, otherwise known as the Triforce. Before he turned evil, He was part of the renouned Gerudo Tribe. In the Gerudo Tribe, the majority of the population is females, and on most occasions only women, or "vai" are allowed in the city but because he is gerudo, he was allowed to reside there. A male in the Gerudo Tribe occurs once every 500 years, so they praised him like no other and named him their king before realizing his acts were for evil and power driven and banishing him from the Tribe. From there on out Ganondorf had become so pent up on getting his hands on the trifforce and taking over Hyrule, that the evil consumed him and he established a new, True from. Ganon. Ganon is a giant boar that Ganondorf can turn to in last measures of evil doing. thus far, he has never truly taken over hyrule completely.

Vaati is another great Antagonist in the series. keep in mind, most of the villains either work for Ganondorf or have relatively the same goal as Ganondorf so no other Antagonist appears twice. Vaati is the main Antagonist in the Legend of Zelda -The Minish Cap. he is a sorcerer that is trying to gain ultimate power and is turning people to stone to get to it. Link is trying to use the Minish people to try to stop him.

Majora and Skullkid:
The first thing to be known with this couple is that Skull kid was not originally evil. he was from the forest and found himself lost and alone. He met two fairies who became his friends, and gradually he became himself again and resumed his mischevious ways. Later, he stole a mask from a travelling merchant, but little did he know that when the mask touched his face the sentiant being of the mask would take over the skullkid. From there on, the antagonist is the Majora's mask having taken over and using skull kids body. The Mask is trying to make the Skullkid call the moon down from the sky onto Termina, which is one of the few replacements for hyrule. The Mask has a residence in the moon, ansd wants to return. This feind belongs to the Legend of Zelda -Majora's Mask.

Zant is the main antagonist in the Legend of Zelda -Twilight Princess. He is the usurper of the Twilight throne and tries to take total control of the living realm, Hyurle and Ordon. Zant used to work for Midna of the royal famiy, believing he would be next in line to lead the Twili -which is the main race in the Twilight realm- only to have Midna herself raised to such position. Feeling betrayed, Zant rebelled against them and sought out new power which enabled him to turn Midna into an imp and strip her of the powers given to her as the queen. Zant turned all the Twili to his side and ruled while he gradually absorbed Hyrule and Ordon into the Twilight, seeing it as unfare that they should be restricted to such a small realm like trapped insects. There he began his "noble" plights.

This sorceress is from the Legend of Zelda -Hyrule Warriors. She was once the guardian of the sacred power -the Triforce- but as time went on and she was seeing every era, she began to fall inlove with Link, the protagonist in the stories. With this love came jealousy towards Zelda. Taking advantage of Cia's anger and raging emotions, Ganondroff used her for his benefit and she became evil. Becoming evil split Cia into two, Cia, the jealousy driven evil side, and Lana, the pure good-hearted side. Eventually the two halves reunite and together rule as the guardian that she was meant to be.